Our family, helping your family.
Dr. Steve Mangan is a general dentist practicing at Mangan Family Dental in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Dr. Steve Mangan has lived in Little Rock since the age of four and is currently practicing in a dental office just four blocks away from his childhood home. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and his Doctor of Dental Surgery from Baylor College of Dentistry. Dr. Mangan is a Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry.
Dr. Mangan enjoys cycling, cooking, reading, traveling, camping, golfing and playing guitar. His perspective on life has been shaped by the 20 international mission trips he has served with, and he is passionate about helping the less fortunate. He and his wife, Robin, have 4 beautiful children together.
Dr. Mangan is proud to serve his community and welcomes you to Mangan Family Dental!